

Termites are a group of insect that mostly feed on dead plant materials, with the ability to digest cellulose. Subterranean termites, the most destructive wooden pest in the world, build their colonies in the soil and usually work their way above ground to reach wood or any other cellulose source. In search for food, subterranean termites will forage into homes from below the ground level right up to the highest point of the roof thrust. Over time, termite damage can become significant on door frames, kitchen cabinets, staircase and wooden flooring.

Termites at My Home

Termites find Indian homes particularly appetising, but why is that? There are a number of things that can make your home attractive to a hungry colony of termites. Our termite experts bring you termite identification methods and monitoring tips on how to control termites at home to help you understand the dangers and prevent termites from settling in your property.